Wow multispec macros
Wow multispec macros

Example - A mouseover that will cast Flash Heal if I’m in holy and Shadow Mend if I’m in disc.

wow multispec macros

I’d like to make macros so that they work in both specs. It does not cast them one after each other. So for example, /castsequence Fireball, Frostbolt will alternate between fireball and frostbolt each time you hit it. Refer to secure command options for syntax and making a macro for. One macro for two spec spells Velasandra-moon-guard I want to make macros for Holy and for Disc and I’m rapidly running out of character specific macro slots. Just to add, castsequence casts spells in order every time you press the macro. I've included the keys I have them bound to but you can use whatever. This page lists macro conditionals, keywords used with macro commands, the RestrictedEnvironment and the SecureStateDriver API to allow limited logic for player convenience without trivializing the game. If you don't, pressing any of the shift modified macros will cause you to change action page instead of casting the appropriate spell. Hi, Im currently trying to consolidate my macros as a disc/holy/shadow player and Im having a bit of a hard time. Let’s say you are playing an RMP mirror as a Mage.You want to focus the enemy Priest for CC, but sometimes you also need to quickly Counterspell the Mage, while attacking the Rogue.

wow multispec macros

Before using these macros make sure you unbind SHIFT 1-6 (Action -6) keys in your key bindings. While focus macros allow you to play and react faster, there is a way to improve on that concept even more.

Wow multispec macros